The Cartagena Convention was adopted in Cartagena, Colombia on 24 ...Co-operation in Combating Oil Spills in the Wider Caribbean Region which was also ...
May 21, 2013 - Cartagena, Colombia. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia... Processes of Latin America and the Caribbean: Observations, Analysis, and Impacts ... COCONet is a regional network of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ... We expect that the members of the PASI will leave the event with a clear ...
Regional Forum for Media Development in Latin America and the Caribbean... participated in the Regional Forum for Media Development in Cartagena, Colombia. The event was hosted by the New Journalism Foundation (FNPI - Fundación ... with governments, civil society, and the international cooperation community.
Jul 17, 2013 - Description: This academic event, which has been held every two years for the ... The great achievement of this seminar was to create a network of ... cultural construction of the Caribbean and its regional integration processes; ... of integration and international cooperation among Caribbean States; and to ...
ASSOCIATION OF CARIBBEAN STATES FOR REGIONAL COOPERATION... the Convention), signed in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on July 24th, 1994, ... to guarantee adequate protection for the population and the economy, in the event of a ... The objective of this Agreement is to develop a network of legally binding ...
9.1 Language; 9.2 Folk music; 9.3 Events; 9.4 Gastronomy ... In 1946, opening the 5th Central American and Caribbean Games, President Mariano Ospina ... Unlike other cities in Colombia such as Cartagena or Bogotá D.C., Barranquilla ..... the Library Department and the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Atlántico, ...
The Spanish Caribbean trade had a network of four main ports: Vera Cruz, Mexico; Cartagena, Colombia; Porto Bello (now ... Navy, of a major land and sea amphibious expedition under the overall command of Lord Cathcart. ..... and Wentworth had for each other, which prevented their cooperation after the initial landing.
The Colombia railway network has a total length of 3,304 km. ... Buenaventura and Cartagena, connecting Colombia's Pacific and Caribbean coasts. ...Colombia hopes China's growing economic presence in the region will further the ... 14, 2011 – The Chinese Government plans to cooperate with Colombia in building a ...
News about Colombia, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times. ... of large area of Caribbean Sea that had long been part of territorial waters of Colombia; ..... For the last 10 years, real estate in the historic center of Cartagena has been in demand. ... International Finance Corporation...
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Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean (Cartagena Convention) ... promoting regional cooperation to protect the economic and environmental .....Colombia . ..... Establish an Information and Co-operation Network .
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